Find, analyze, & track creators for your campaigns

Everything consumer brands need to build iconic influencer marketing programs - without the chaos.

  • Find any creator on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube
  • Evaluate their audience, performance & content
  • Collect & track creator content automatically
14-day free trial・No credit card required
Hero image illustrating search results

Join 1,500+ in-house marketing teams at globally-loved brands using Modash

Filter 250M+ profiles to always find the right influencers

Never run out of options or settle for kiiinda works again. Using your filters, Modash surfaces countless creators for you to choose from —no matter the size, location or niche.

14-day free trial・No credit card required

“I’ve been working with Modash for over 3 years. Previously, I was at a beauty brand and when I started at NordVPN I told my team lead, "I'm going to need Modash.”
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“Modash covered all our KPIs from the get-go. It pulls the main data points we’re looking for to source the right influencers for Tourlane.”
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Check the performance, audience demographics & posts of any creator

Skip manually building a creator profile from random, outdated screenshots & fairytale media kits.
Instead make smart, data-backed decisions before you even reach out to influencers.

14-day free trial・No credit card required
Customer logo, Bolt

“We’re working with hundreds of influencers globally. Modash is our go-to for verifying Instagram influencers’ accounts at scale.”

Collect content and track campaign performance automatically

Get your time back. Modash automatically collects all influencer content and performance metrics into one dashboard.
Your weekend is yours again.

14-day free trial・No credit card required

What can you do with Modash?


Run campaigns from start to finish from one tab (for real!) with built-in search, relationship, and campaign tracking and management. 

Go from chaotic workflows to a simple workspace - without the learning curve.

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Hand over your invoicing and accounting tasks to Modash, and never worry about paying creators again. 

Pay one invoice, and Modash takes care of all the stuff you & your finance team worry about.

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Build custom workflows & products with an extensive dataset, including 250M+ influencers.

Whatever you need the data for, our influencer API is flexible, versatile, and simple.

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Get a better way to manage your
influencer marketing workflows

14-day free trial・No credit card required

Stuff influencer marketers ask us

Will I find who I’m looking for in Modash?

Yes! Modash lists every influencer on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube with over 1K followers.

With that criteria, you’ll find what’s relevant to you including, but not limited to: 

- Creators in any location by city or country. 
- Creators in any niche or category
- Creators of any size 

For influencer marketing to be successful though, you want to ask: Will I find creators who reach my target audience? To that, we say: Yes, it’s the Modash way! Instead of focusing on your niche, put more focus on the influencer audience.

How do you get your data? How accurate is it?

Just like Google, Modash crawls & analyzes publicly available content and builds insights on top of them.

Our data is super accurate. Some of the fastest-growing B2C companies in the world chose Modash over alternatives after auditing our data. We update it several times a month, so you can trust you’re getting the most recent info, too.

Do you show analytics & performance metrics for influencers & their followers? 

Yes. While analytics will vary across platforms we aim to give you a deep understanding of an influencer profile, including their audience. 

Here are just some of the metrics available in Modash:

- Audience demographics (Age, Gender, Location by city, interests)
- Influencer performance (Follower count, Average likes, Engagement rate, Past Paid Post Performance)
- Vetting (Popular posts, fake followers)

 To see them all, try Modash for free.

Does Modash calculate engagement rate?

You’ll find engagement rates in all our influencer profiles. Test our engagement rate calculator here. (No sign-up needed!)

Can I track my campaigns with Modash?  

Modash will collect and track ALL of your branded content (even stories) and store it. No creator signup is required. You’ll also get insights like who posted what type of content and who complied with ad disclosures, as well as the number of discount code redemptions, link clicks, and more. See how it works. 

Do you have any limits?

Our search is almost limitless, but we have limits on profile summaries, emails, and Monitoring. Find these all on our pricing page.